Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 14th MTC

May 14, 2015
Watashi no Kazoku to Tomadachi  (My family and friends)

What another crazy week haha. Same schedule of too many lessons and not enough study times yet somehow we always pull it off.  Of course I really do know how we do it, The Lord helps us every step of the way.  Lets see it was really good to talk to every one on mothers day.  I really felt like I was kind of awkward so i apologize for that. Talking to family is strange after immersing your whole self into something such as this mission.  I have changed so much and I already know I will probably be really awkward and strange when I get home hahaha, so please have patience with me. 

I’ll start with Tuesday night’s devotional.  A member of the seventy who is also the international director of missions spoke to us.  In his talk he spoke about how they are very confident in how the pilot programs have been going in regard to the ipads.  He spoke about how in the next two years every mission will have ipads in them.  Of course there are worries associated with this.  And I know that many of the older generation are especially apprehensive about where this new method of missionary work will lead.  Let me try to put those worries to rest.  The speaker quoted Thomas S. Monson and the first presidency themselves when he told us this.  He said, that they said, "we trust these men and women."  Technology is here to stay and we can either shy away from it and attempt to hide ourselves, or we can embrace and create healthy habits that can help further the work in enormous ways.  I think about my companion Elder Larson.  He didn’t grow up with internet ,TV or cell phones and now for the first time is learning about these things and developing such good habits out of this program.  It is such a creative and effective way to spread the gospel.  Many of you will remember the videos the church  put out, one titled "He Is the Gift" and the other "He Is the Reason.”  The speaker told us about how they made a contract with Youtube and bought all kinds of advertising space and utilized ipads to spread this message.  Some of the statistics showed over thirty million views a day.  THIRTY MILLION.  Because of this campaign the church received over two hundred thousand missionary requests.  Amazing.  To think that I have the privilege of serving at  such a time as this where the work is being pushed harder then ever before is so humbling and so motivating. 

Lets see what else is there. OH!  Next week we finally get Kohai!  More greenie missionaries.  The last several weeks it has only been us four in sacrament and class all day haha.  It really has been a blessing, We have had the opportunity of having more than one teacher to every missionary in class and we’ve been able to prepare so many lessons and talks in Japanese.  However, getting some fresh faces will be so cool.  The Nihongo zones have fostered such a strong culture of obedience and honor.  I really do feel privileged to be a part of it.  Knowing that I can influence an incoming missionary about the blessing we receive through applying these principles is very humbling and makes me very excited.  Needless to say we all feel like a bunch of momma bears and cannot wait to help the incoming Kohai.  I think Sargant Shimai is the most  excited out of all of us hahaha.  Poor solo sister.  She has been so solid and awesome dealing with us Elders the last several weeks she really deserves some sisterhood of her own haha.

Hmmm what else? We hosted missionaries again on Wednesday which is always cool. Its nice to greet these missionaries and reassure them that they will love their missions and the MTC and that they have made the best possible decision they could for their life at this time.  Of course there are lots of crying mothers and we have to basically scrape them off of the curb at times, but that is all well and good.  They simply love their missionaries which is what the missionary needs to feel the first few weeks here, Love. Love is the key to success and happiness in life.  So that is a good experience of course.  Next Wednesday they chose us AGAIN— to direct traffic this time.  Sometimes I feel like they just look at our small district and think “Oh hey, look these elders and sisters must have all kinds of time since they only have four people.”  Its okay though.  I know that If we serve with a good heart the Lord will bless us no matter how much time we DON’T have haha.

I love getting all the mail from everyone. It is really uplifting and brightens my day so thank you for that.  Parents. You kept asking me what I needed on the phone the other day.  I remember now.  A nice water bottle would really be helpful.  I get so engrossed in studying that often times I forget to drink water haha.  So if you could send like a nalgene or something that would be cool.  If not that is okay too. 

Shannon.  I met a Sister Orr? says she knows you.  I  swear you know way more people here than I do and you haven’t even left yet.  Every day I get a few, “hey are you Shannon’s brother?”  Yes.Yes I am hahaha.

I really am unsure of what to write about.  At times I Lose patience with myself which is something I have always kind of struggled with.  So pray for me to be able to work on that.  It has already gotten so much better but there is always room for improvement.

Dad I am sorry the shingles are bothering you and  I will definitely pray for you.  Caley the BSU shirt fits perfectly thank you!   Natts.  I freaking love you. Keep emailing me. 
Well my mind is blanking and I would tell you more funny stories but it seems like the only humor we have anymore is potty humor, sooooo I will spare you that. 

I love all of you so very much.  I love being here and cannot wait to be able to go to Nihon.  (Japan)

Talk to you next week

Elder Viehweg

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