Hey family!
Man what a week. Not gonna lie it's been a toughy. We have biked all over, talked to tons of people. Studied for hours on end, planned, prepared, taught, all that jazz. In essence we did what missionaries do week to week.
We had exchanges this week. In keeping with tradition in my mission things have been very unusual for me. We had a super long zone conference last week to say goodbye to the Budges, then this week I had my first exchange, which is very unusual to do with a zone leader this early on. But I was grateful for it. Our zone leaders are Higby and Lofgren Choro. I got paired with Higby Choro. He is a twenty year old from a tiny town in Nevada, and an incredible missionary. He is on transfer sixteen and I am on transfer one, so we are at exactly opposite ends of the spectrum for missions. But what a great senkyoshi (missionary). I learned so much in such a short time period.
We taught a lesson to an old man with only one tooth, I taught a little about the creation and restoration, and with his help I was able to get through fairly mediocrely. Hah. He was a great man, and I think he will be a member soon. Oh by the way I went to Matsudou for the exchange so it was all new turf for me. More epeople and more buildings. After that we did a bunch of finding. We worked together to introduce the Book of Mormon, and I was not saying much, because I was not able to say much hahah. He then turned to me and said it doesn't matter what you say. Japanese doesn't matter, and then he threw me right under the bus missionary style and left it to me to begin the Morumon sho shokai, intro. NO my tongue was not loosed, and no, I did not speak words I cannot now remember, and no, it was not a miracle, BUT, I learned. And I know that that is what I needed. I stumbled and struggled through several finding situations on the street next to the eki, train station, and slowly improved. With Higby Choro's help by the end of the night I was way more confident In finding. It was a great experience.
Later we had an exchange review, where we just talk about what we learned, what went well. And set goals we would follow up on with each other. He had some really good things to say to me. Things I needed to hear that really let me know that my heart and desires were in the right place, and that I was working consecrated. As a missionary you always worry about whether or not you are doing enough, so it was a blessing from the Lord that he said what he said. He told me that I reminded him of himself in a lot of ways. We had a really good talk and set some goals that we were pumped about. I was so grateful for the exchange because this week has been really tough and the pick me up came at a good time. No worries though, my attitude is good, and I work to always have faith and trust.
Returning to Kamagaya was good and I was pumped to start applying what I learned with Tsuchida Choro and try to contribute more as a senkyoshi. We then had a district meeting about courage and finding to add to what I had learned, which was good.
From there it was day to day stuff until Sunday. Sunday's are so hard hahaha. My eyes were LITERALLY closing on their own from how tired I was mentally and physically. THAT NEVER HAPPENS TO ME. Before my mission I had trouble getting four hours of sleep at night, even in the MTC I didn't sleep much, but yesterday it was all I could do to stay awake and force myself to translate everything I could hahahaha. I'm sure plenty of church members were entertained. I did feel like I was able to decipher a little more this week which was good. Anyway, Sunday's are rough hahah, no longer a day of rest.
We had dinner with some members this last Friday. Apparently eating with members is actually cool which, prior to the mission, I was told was not okay here and never done. Either way I am glad we can, because Japanese food is so awesome. I love fish, and rice, and edamame. So good. The family was the Ooshi family and it was a good visit. I shared a scripture and even read what I could in Japanese! Sounded like a four year old, but I tried, and the members felt that. Oh dad we actually do study kanji now, we are expected to be able to read the Book of Mormon by a year, so I am learning kanji VERY VERY slowly haha. But I talked about prayer and Tsuchida Choro and I shared about how important it is as senkyoshi. The man and his wife looked at the pictures of our family I carry and said we all look like movie stars, they love how big it is and shake their heads at all the sisters I have. Good visit, and it was my first visit to a member's home.
Let's see what else...next week we travel up to Matsudou to meet our new mission president and his wife so that will be cool, and the week after that I think we have a trip to the temple for some interviews and then temple p-day the week after, then zone p-day and transfers. Crazy how time flies. That's random though.
Clifton family. Thank you so much aunt Joyce and Shayla for those awesome cookies in the MTC. So sorry it took so long to answer, I am a bad person.
Thank you Emily and Laura for your letters. I love hearing about all the great activities and miracles from God that you share. They lift me so much.
Macsen way to go on the half iron man ma dude!!! That's great especially since you do NOT TRAIN AT ALL. hahahah made me laugh. You have some mental strength that I wish I had or sure. Thank you for your letter and I will be patient.
Danielle, don't you dare worry about another kid. You are a natural mother, you always have been. While we were growing up I used to complain about how you were not the mom and shouldn't control me, but I think it is a gift you have. You helped raise me I feel like, and you do such a wonderful job with Mazer, don't even worry about it. You will be awesome.
Lisa your little akachan is beautiful. What a sweet angel
congrats on another girl. Sure wish I could see her. Love the name too.
Shannon good work in being up front with the stubborn kyudosha(investigator), sometimes they need tough love, but try finding out why they meet with you, get to the root of the problem, peel those onions. The gospel will apply, always, to the center of those onions. Love you and I am proud to serve with you as a missionary.
If there is anyone else and I missed you I am sorry.
Ah Kristin! Thanks for the letters dude! Hope the World Cup was all you wanted and more. Love you
Love you all so much. The mission is wonderfully difficult and hard, but it is still wonderful to me.
God be with you all until we meet again.
Viehweg Choro
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Elder Viehweg and his Mission President and his wife |
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Apartment Study Area |
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Apartment Kitchen |
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Bathroom |
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Bathroom |
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At the grocery store |
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Outside church |
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Ready to Roll! |
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